We are in the basement of the local tavern on a quest to seek out the Bard who has the stick of truth and will be giving it to the wood elfs!
We are in the basement of the local tavern on a quest to seek out the Bard who has the stick of truth and will be giving it to the wood elfs!
We made a bunch more friends and now we are on a mighty quest! A quest to free our friends from detention and help us in our fight to get the stick back! The video was taken from the launch day stream hosted right here on Pixels Edge
Looking though the posts and saw this was never published… Tonight Liz and I are coming at you with another midnight release stream, this time for Dark Souls 2! I am pretty excited for this game for as hard as Dark Souls is, its a also a lot of fun. Needless to say there is […]
We went outside like our parents wanted us too and we made some friends… Its just one of them is Cartman… Not sure if thats a good thing or not just yet. So we are out collecting his army but making some new friends while we are at it, there is that awesome tower we […]
There is a film out there that I think has tremendous merit and value. It displays an analysis of the relationships between men and women and most importantly a lot of the misconceptions men have about women. Unlike many others that attempt the same, this particular film casts a nervous, jittery, overworked husband as the […]
Our good friend Big Mike is running a D20 Live like event at Fanfare Geek Fest this April! Updated on the event are best found over on the D20 Live Facebook page so give it a like!
We are the new kid moving into the quiet mountain town of South Park with out parents next to Butters. After moving in our parents suggest we should go outside and make some friends, nothing bad could happen in this little quiet mountain town I’m sure… The video was taken from the launch day stream […]
The time has come to vote on the next Fan Friday game! What do you want us to play this time? Borderlands 2 Dark Souls 2 South Park: Stick of Truth World of Warcraft Team Fortress 2 It doesn’t have to be whats listed just here, feel free to take a look at my steam […]