That was a great suggestion moving away from Mana based heroes and learning these guys. Dr. Moundo is an awesome champion that I have been having a great time with! This video was taken from our live stream hosted here on Pixels Edge every week day
That was a great suggestion moving away from Mana based heroes and learning these guys. Dr. Moundo is an awesome champion that I have been having a great time with! This video was taken from our live stream hosted here on Pixels Edge every week day
I am pushing forward trying to learn how to play this game, but I swear some of these dojo missions are straight up broken and seriously out of order… Or is that just me?
It was suggested in the comments of the last video that I should try a non-mana based hero, it might be more to my play style. So thats exactly what I did! This video was taken from the live stream hosted here on Pixels Edge every week day!
So that victory might have been short lived… However it seems we can likely blame this one on the League servers crashing causing most of the team to DC at one point or another. This video was taken from the Live Stream hosted right here ever week day! Thanks to our sponsor Peregrine!
This game is really testing my patiences at how far I am willing to go before I break and just stop playing all together… But I some how stuck with it and kept going learning little by little. Granted Assassins Creed original pissed me off so much that I had to stop playing for months […]
Back in League of Legends today trying out Malphite once more to see how he plays, and we get some surprising results! The video was taken from the Live Stream hosted right here every week day! Huge thanks to our sponsor Peregrine!
I know how to do the moves and can do them well enough, but doing exact ones they want in a certain order is impossible I tell you! Clearly anyone who can do it quickly and easily are cheating somehow… Yeah thats it…
This is going to be my first time playing with a character thats not Nocturne as usual. Totally different play style and I have a hard enough time with Nocturne… but he has a high difficultly level This video was taken from the Live stream hosted right here on Pixels Edge every weekday!