It was suggested in the comments of the last video that I should try a non-mana based hero, it might be more to my play style. So thats exactly what I did!
This video was taken from the live stream hosted here on Pixels Edge every week day!
It was suggested in the comments of the last video that I should try a non-mana based hero, it might be more to my play style. So thats exactly what I did!
This video was taken from the live stream hosted here on Pixels Edge every week day!
So that victory might have been short lived… However it seems we can likely blame this one on the League servers crashing causing most of the team to DC at one point or another.
This video was taken from the Live Stream hosted right here ever week day!
Thanks to our sponsor Peregrine!
Back in League of Legends today trying out Malphite once more to see how he plays, and we get some surprising results!
The video was taken from the Live Stream hosted right here every week day!
Huge thanks to our sponsor Peregrine!
I know how to do the moves and can do them well enough, but doing exact ones they want in a certain order is impossible I tell you! Clearly anyone who can do it quickly and easily are cheating somehow… Yeah thats it…
Learning some more League of Legends with some friend giving me some advice while I rant a little on why I am not a huge fan of MOBAs
The video was taken from the Live Stream hosted here on Pixels Edge